Additions to Articles: Alligators and Stalking the Hunters

Little Blue Heron with Water Tiger (Aquatic Beetle Larva) at Pilant Lake, Brazos Bend State Parak, Texas
The Flip: A Little Blue Heron with Water Tiger (Aquatic Beetle Larva) at Pilant Lake, Brazos Bend State Park, Texas. Canon EOS 7D/600mm f/4L IS (+1.4x TC). High-speed synchronized fill-flash.

Because I enjoy revisiting previous work, and field work has been slow lately, over the past week I’ve added some new images to American Alligator: Training for the Tropics on the Texan Riviera and Stalking the Hunters: Observing and Photographing the Predatory Water Birds of Brazos Bend State Park, Texas. Please take a look!

A camouflaged alligator patrols Elm Lake, Brazos Bend State Park, Texas
An Innocent Pile of Algae. A camouflaged alligator patrols Elm Lake, Brazos Bend State Park, Texas. Canon EOS 7D/600mm f/4L IS (+1.4x TC). High-speed synchronized fill-flash.

Half my life is an act of revision.—John Irving

©2014 Christopher R. Cunningham. All rights reserved. No text or images may be duplicated or distributed without permission.